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3 M
Larry Skov has been creating 3M materials since his very first design job. Working with a variety of divisions he has produced effective, attention-getting product literature, unique direct mail campaigns, trade show booths and graphics with support materials for domestic and overseas shows, advertising, posters and packaging. No one knows their way around the 3M corporate standards better. No one will give you a bigger bang for your design buck.
A few of the hundreds of items created for "We Gotta Bingo" a long-running (3 years) play written and performed by Actors Theater of Minnesota. Among the many different elements were the physical design of the marquee for a new theater, Transtop posters, bus billboards, advertising, flyers, postcards, sales materials used in franchising the play and props for the theater itself.
As the lead designer on Toro projects, Larry envisioned and created scores of projects for the Toro Company, including consumer Literature for the lawnmowers and snowthrowers lines, point of sale materials such as posters, shelf talkers, window and counter displays and advertising.
Inspired by a lifetime of losing Minnesota teams, Larry said, "Enough already!" and so the Fighting Ticks were hatched. His creative team bit into the project and wouldn't let go. A broadcast of a championship play-off game was recorded. The official Ticks web site was launched. At last the long-suffering residents of the frozen tundra had a winner! Years later, the web site generated hits from places as far away as Romania and the Philippines. The Ticks were featured in numerous publications such as "Adweek," "Fortune," "Wallstreet Journal," "In Fisherman" and "CityBusiness" and appeared on local news broadcasts.
Involved from this brand new festival's giddy-up, we named the festival, created identity standards then proceeded to apply them to a multitude of different applications (only a fraction of which are shown here.) Among the scores of items designed and produced for the Festival: Business cards, Advertising, Posters, Banners, Trade Show Booth, Promotional Literature, Sponsorship Kit, Website Concepts, and 30 or more souvenir items such as clothing, brass belt buckles and souvenir coins, bandannas, glassware, bumper stickers and temporary tattoos.
We Gotta Bingo
minnesota ticks
Frontier Fest

gotta bingo    
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Larry Skov has worked on scores of medical-related communications projects, literature, trade show booths, packaging, spec sheets, identity and medical iluustrations for a wide variety of leading health care companies.
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